
Red Star at the London 9s

Serbia become the latest Nation to be represented at the London9s.

Red Star Belgrade, the Balkan Rugby League champions, will fly the flag for their country.

LDN9s promotor Graham Oliphant was quick to celebrate their inclusion in the LDN9s-
“It’s a pleasure to once again see the Rugby League arm of the Red Star dynasty expanding the footprint of Rugby League. And what a fitting story for the team who made history in the 1st round of the Challenge Cup, to be at Wembley, for the conclusion of the Challenge Cup weekend, and at the LDN9s the next day, to bring their amazing journey full circle”

Red Star MD Colin Kleyweg was keen to make clear this will not just be a tourist trip-
“…we are coming to London, with the intention of winning the ‘Open Men’s’ section [of the LDN9s], and returning to Belgrade with silverware”

With the LDN9s 2019 being LIVE STREAMED, organisers anticipate over 30,000 viewers just from the Balkans alone. The inclusion of teams from the USA and African nations show total projected viewing figures at 100,000 + over the course of the day.

More details on the event and securing your entry for the day can be found at

BalkanRL - Home of rugby league on Balkan Peninsula.

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